Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Get Your Home Ready for Warmer Months

Spring is the perfect time to give your home a fresh start and get it ready for the warmer months ahead. From checking your air conditioning system to cleaning your gutters, here’s a spring home maintenance checklist to help get you started:

  1. Clean gutters and downspouts: Clear leaves, debris, and blockages from your gutters and downspouts. This will prevent water damage to your home and help ensure that rain is properly channeled away from your foundation.

  2. Inspect the roof: Check for any missing, damaged, or curled shingles on your roof. If you find any issues, schedule a repair or replacement as soon as possible to prevent leaks and water damage.

  3. Service your air conditioning system: Schedule a maintenance appointment for your air conditioning system to ensure that it’s in good working order for the summer. Regular maintenance will keep your AC running smoothly and prevent costly breakdowns during the hottest months.

  4. Clean your windows: Wash your windows inside and out to let in maximum light and enjoy the warm sunshine. This will also improve the appearance of your home and make it look its best.

  5. Plant a garden: Spring is the perfect time to plant a garden and add some color and life to your yard. Whether you prefer flowers, vegetables, or a combination of both, a garden is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and improve the appearance of your home.

  6. Pressure wash the exterior: Use a pressure washer to clean the exterior of your home, including the siding, deck, and patio. This will remove dirt, grime, and mildew and improve the overall appearance of your home.

  7. Clean your deck or patio: Clean your deck or patio and reseal it if necessary to prepare it for summer barbecues and outdoor entertaining.

By following this spring home maintenance checklist, you can ensure that your home is ready for the warmer months ahead. If you have any questions or need help with any of these tasks, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local real estate professionals. We’re always here to help!


Summer Home Maintenance Checklist